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Monday, March 16, 2009

Last House on the Left

The Last House on the Left, is yet another remake within the horror genre. The original directed by Wes Craven in the 1970's had his name attached as a producer which made me glad that he was on board with this version. Also Sean Cunningham who produced the first version of this movie, created the Friday the 13th horror franchise and a number of other notable but underwhelming 80's action movies. I personally really liked Deep Star 6, so lets set that aside.

Unlike many movies within this current genre, this version of the movie creates truly realistic and uncomfortable situations. I am not a fan of torture/gore like torture porn or whatever the movies like Saw and Hostel are now being called. I think there were interesting concepts in each film just mentioned but the genre ultimately was not sustainable.

I have seen the original version of the film and when compared to the current, I am impressed. The changes in plot are up to date and still pay tribute to the original with the exception of the tension. In both films the underlying concept is, how does a normal family react to a horrible incident. Though the first film is very much a revenge movie and this a story of survival and hope.

Last House on the Left is a strong horror movie because it truly makes the audience uncomfortable. At no time is the suspension of believability necessary to move the plot along. The rape scene is not excessive but truly uncomfortable. The seduction scene in the kitchen, is truly uncomfortable watching a mother protect her family with no idea how to do it. Suppressing anger and outrage while experiencing mind numbing fear.

Each extraction of survival is tremendous battle of wills and thoroughly enjoyable. The audience at my showing cheered and groaned and squirmed in all the right places.

In summary a very decent horror movie.