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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer heats up

Man have some great movies come out. The box office of the summer of 2008 may take a hit from the economy but not because crappy movies came out. Especially if you like action movies with a comic book bent.

Indiana Jones. Check. Say what you will, but I thought it was brilliant. Loved it for what it was, a 62 year old Indy.

Ironman. The first time I saw this I was agog. Best superhero movie yet. Better than Spiderman. Yeah I said it. The second time with the family it was even better. The second viewing aloud me to stand back a bit from the spectacle and marvel at the little things like facial expressions, set designs and graphics. Wonderful.

Incredible Hulk. Pretty damn good. Edward Norton plays a great homage to the wimp Bruce Banner is much better than Eric Bana. I really like Bana as an actor but I always get the sense he's a badass. Liv Tyler was really the linch pin for me in this movie. She brought across the emotion that counters Hulks rage. Tim Roth, okay. Not great. The Hulk monster is great and I was completely blown away by how it interacted with real set peices.

I am looking forward to Hancock. Will Smith rarely dissppoints and don't blame the third act of I Am Legend on him, blame the script.

Batman Forever will be amazing I am sure. I have seen the first several minutes of the movie, Health Ledger will get praise and it won't be falsely aimed because of his untimely death.

On a side note I am going to see Get Smart. I was not a fan of show but I have faith in the actors, Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Dewayne Johnson and Terrance Stamp. I'll see almost anything they do as individuals and as an essemble it can't be a loser.


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