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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Smarter than Me

There has been a lot of movies on the big screen the last couple months.

Today though was a first. Mo saw a commercial for a movie we haven't rented in months, The Adventures of SharkBoy and LavaGirl. I don't think its a great movie but it's not my opinion that counts. So Mo and I drove down to the video store to get it.

As we drove down, I asked if he was excited about seeing LavaGirl and SharkBoy. He added that he was also going to see 'Max'.

Max? I don't forget movie characters easily but didn't remember a 'Max'. Turns out that Max is actually the main character and the other two are his sidekicks.

Go figure my four and half year old knows more about his movies now than Mo Daddy. Guess I need to step it up.


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