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Monday, April 23, 2007

Idiocracy DVD

What a funny movie. I don't know if this came straight to video but Mike Judge (Beavis & Butthead, King of the Hill) wrote and directed this movie starring Luke Wilson (Old School) and Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live).

In present times, the military conducts a hibernation test with the two most average people they can find, an army private (Wilson) and a prostitute (Rudolph). At the same time a prologue is explaining how based on Darwin's Survival of the Fittest, the dumbest and poorest citizens are procreating exponentially faster than smarter people until smart people are bred out.

The experiment goes awry and Wilson and Rudolph are kept asleep for 500 years and wake to world ruled by idiots. They are in fact the smartest people on earth.

The true benefit of this movie is seeing the deadpan Wilson and Rudolph playing the straight actors to a visual gag reel of a future run by idiots. The same structure of government and social frameworks exist but people how no clue how life works, nor do they care.

There are some flat out hilarious visuals, some teenage humor and interesting thought processes put into this movie my Mike Judge. Good pick for a slow day.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I rented this movie on your recommendation. It was both funny and a little frightening. The frightening part came when the DVD stopped and my daughter turned to MTV which was playing Jackass - the show that must certainly have inspired Judge to write Idiocracy.

Mostly I laughed at the movie. I love Maya Rudolph and Luke Wilson was really good.


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