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Friday, July 11, 2008

Crash DVD

The one thing I like about netflix is that you can queue up movies you know you would not choose at a store. I am trying to see all the Best Movie Oscar DVD's that I have missed and Crash came up; a Best Picture by director Paul Haggis and staring a rich cast with Matt Dillion, Thandie Newton, Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle and Brendan Fraiser among others.

The movie is a non-plot that intertwines several characters lives over a few days as they live in LA just after 9/11. Haggis was praised for his 'unflinching' look at racism and bigotry. I though the film was a horrible example of over exaggeration and self aggrandizement. This very much reminds me of American Beauty, another well praised movie, supposedly describing an 'unflinching' look at suburban life, yet was sullen, over wrought and completely unredeeming.

There is no denying that Haggis touched on several important topics, racism of the LAPD, the judgmentalness of wealthy political elite, the hardships and confrontations non-whites have when confronted with other minority sterotypes and language barriers. The manner in which he does so does not engraiate the watcher to any of the characters. In fact I can't imagine any rational person watching these characters and not feeling repulsed by them.

These are not how people react with others, yet Haggis makes it seem we are all this way. The movie did not end with me deeply introspective of how I treat others. It left me feeling morose that some people think this is the norm.


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